I haven't been doing a very good job of updating this, but nor have the people I tasked with shouting at me if I didn't prove I was working.
I have finally reached the notworkingfulltime section of my 4th year. Couldn't come soon enough. I don't know how, but I've managed to do the whole essay a week thing. In fact, I think I'm the only person who has (despite the fact most people are doing a part-time degree and nothing else...). However, it has nearly killed me. So I have taken issue with the fact other people are trying to get their essays looked at now because they couldn't be bothered to do one a week. Hmmph.
Anyway, I have now handed in the first of my draft presubmissions for comment - a philosophy of language essay on Kripke's puzzle about belief. The puzzle itself is pretty easy to understand, but I had to go and pick the impossible responses to write about. I really have no idea how good/bad it is and this is the first and last time someone who actually know what they're talking about will look at it. Given I wouldn't say the lecturers on it were very illuminating, this is particularly worrying.
However, the draft I'm doing today on Russell's theory of definite descritpions is definitely worse. I understand the objections, I understand the main points of Russell's theory. I just don't understand how to answer my essay question. Which I picked myself. Great.
Every time I mention philosophy of language to a tutor they respond with "ooh, that's a very difficult area". Why someone didn't tell me this before I chose it as an option, I don't know. I keep hoping maybe these presubs will be the worst and so it's actually good because I've got them out of the way. Then I remember I also have to presub for greek philos. Joy. The only thing worse than philosophy of language has to be Plato.
In addition, I'm completely freaking out over what to do about postgrad study. I have some vague, probably ridiculous ideas for what I want to focus on, and that's it. I'm back to thinking it's impossible to have any original thought in philosophy. Hmm.
There is also snow in London, which I have missed completely.